Nurikko Visits

Food and Travel by an almost ABC


Think of Melbourne… think of culture; think of passion; think of food and wine… Bringing it all together in one dining experience it is worth every drip…

Based within such a wishful town, there remains very little not to talk about; so feel the difference with us, experience the taste, and live the culture with passion.

NurikkoVisits is proudly featured in Zomato (previously known as Urbanspoon), encouraging us to discover what is unexplored yet and providing up-to-date information to our fellow foodies. We will take one step at a time, so follow us if you love what we love about Melbourne and would like to see more from us in the future.


Bonne chance … and Smile*


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2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi, thanks for your review of our shop Heavenly Delish on Urbanspoon. Please help us to improve by elaborating on how we can make the eating experience more comfortable for our customers. Thanks.

    • Hi Rick, Thanks for your response. Heavenly Delish was indeed a certain experience, one with character that sets itself apart in its own way with its mini indulgences. A perfect placement for your retreat, well set within a university populace that does bring about a difference, however, on the high note, we’d like to see a makeover on your interior setting. A change with comfortable sitting arrangements and an addition of a more ambience to the interior, one that will definitely make a difference. Overall, we enjoyed the taste.

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